1,359 research outputs found

    Fixed-policy value-function prediction for stable control applications using machine learning

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    Dynamic systems and processes can be controlled to drive them to a desired state (e.g., optimal). Control can be done with anything ranging from a simple model to a complex algorithm, depending on the dynamic system. In real world problems we can collect real data and use machine learning (ML) approaches to develop these control systems. A common ML approach used for these problems is reinforcement learning. In this paper we present a simplified method for problems that have three characteristics: a relatively low number of actions; we can predict the output state given an action; and for each state there is a default action that will maintain the system stable unless there are external factors. Our approach permits fast model training and uses a relatively simple control process. As an example, the jitter buffer of a real-time telecommunications system that encounters stochastic packet losses and delays can be controlled by this approach

    Visual based localization for a Legged Robot

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    P. 708-715This paper presents a visual based localization mechanism for a legged robot. Our proposal, fundamented on a probabilistic approach, uses a precompiled topological map where natural landmarks like doors or ceiling lights are recognized by the robot using its on-board camera. Experiments have been conducted using the AIBO Sony robotic dog showing that it is able to deal with noisy sensors like vision and to approximate world models representing indoor of ce environments. The two major contributions of this work are the use of this technique in legged robots, and the use of an active camera as the main sensorS

    Multi-camera 3-D tracking using particle filter

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    Determining the 3D location of a moving object, and tracking it from a sequence of different camera images is a classical but still challenging problem. In our approach neither explicit triangulation, nor precise motion model are used; only the colour of the object to be tracked is required. We use a particle filter, where the observation model we have developed avoids the colour filtering of the entire image. Preliminary experiments are presented and lessons learned are commented. The approach easily scales to several cameras and new sensor cue

    Centros Financieros Offshore

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    Como consecuencia de los procesos de desregulación financiera y la creciente movilidad de flujos financieros internacionales; los centros financieros offshore se han consolidado dentro de la dinámica económica mundial, generando tanto beneficios a sus usuarios como criticas respecto a su instrumentalización para el financiamiento de actividades delictivas y terroristas; tornándose de esta manera en uno de los temas de mayor interés y debate en sus aspectos jurídicos y económicos; por lo que en el presente trabajo lo abordaremos desde la perspectiva jurídica, explicando la dinámica de su funcionamiento a partir de las distintas modalidades en que se desarrolla teniendo como base tanto la legislación nacional, internacional y los casos prácticos de las actividades que realizan dichos países.As a result of financial deregulation and the increasing mobility of international financial flows, offshore financial centers have been consolidated within the dynamic global economy, generating benefits to both users and critics regarding its instrumentalisation to finance criminal activities and terrorists, in this way become a topic of interest and debate in their legal and economic aspects, so in this work is approached from the legal perspective, explaining the dynamics of its operation from the various forms that is based both national legislation and international case studies of the activities of these countries

    Impact of libre software tools and methods in the robotics field

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    Software is one of the major components of robots; in fact, it is the main bottleneck for the proliferation of robotics in our everyday lives. In the last years the field of robotics has been an emerging application area of the libre (free/open source) software phenomenon. Libre software tools have been traditionally popular among the robotics research and teaching community. Even companies whose main business model is to sell robots have found convenient to share the software in order to promote a community around their products. In this paper we analyze the situation of libre software in these three subareas: industry, teaching and research. In particular, we describe commercial robots like the Cye and the Pioneer, a software platform like Orocos as a examples of industrial world applications, the libre tools around the LEGO Mindstorms in the case of teaching, and the Robocup competition and the Player/Stage platform in research area. All these cases show that libre software can act as a catalyst in the robotics industry which is still a sector in its early research and industrial stage

    Localización basada en lógica difusa y filtros de Kalman para robots con patas

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    En la liga de 4 patas de la Robocup, equipos de 4 robots AIBO autónomos se enfrentan entre si en partidos de fútbol. El objetivo de esta competición es presentar un entorno desafiante en que se han de resolver varios problemas relacionados con la robótica. En particular, la localización. Cada uno de los jugadores ha de estar localizado durante los partidos para que su comportamiento sea coherente. En este artículo proponemos un método de localización que combina técnicas de lógica difusa y filtros de Kalman para conseguir una localización más robusta, fiable y liger

    JDEc: arquitectura basada en esquemas para aplicaciones robóticas

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    En este artículo presentamos jdec, una implementación de la arquitectura basada en comportamientos Jerarquía Dinámica de Esquemas. Esta plataforma usa esquemas como unidad básica para la programación de aplicaciones con robots. Estos esquemas se combinan en jerarquías dinámicas para desarrollar comportamientos y en jdec se han implementado como hebras. La plataforma se ha probado en distintos robots reales con aplicaciones de navegación visual, de localización y navegación híbrida en interiores. Además, proporciona una capa de abstracción del hardware, ejecución distribuida, e interfaz gráfica para depuración así como una colección de esquemas ya realizados para componer nuevas aplicacione

    Mid-line destructive syndrome secondary to infectionby paracoccidioides sp. A case report

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    Midline destructive disease is a group of severe and destructive inflammatory and tumor diseases of the midface area, among which paracoccidioidomycosis is one of the main etiologies in tropical countries. Paracoccidioidomycosis is an endemic mycosis caused by fungi of the genus Paracoccidioides. Its blastoconidia form favors hematogenous spread, affecting various tissues such as adrenal glands, reticulo-endothelial tissue, or oral mucosa, where it can manifest as a destructive midline syndrome. We present a case of paracoccidioidomycosis with affection in the oral cavity, which debuted as a chronic midline des-tructive disease with sever airway compromise that required surgical treatment for the risk of obstruction of the airway. The patient received systemic treatment with good response


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    La globalización, aunada a otros factores, ha originado un conjunto de transformaciones en las decisiones sobre la producción, dando paso a la reestructuración de los mercados y de la organización de la distribución. Esto ha originado una demanda en el desarrollo de sistemas que permitan un mejor control, manipulación, seguimiento y distribución de productos en entornos distribuidos. Dichos entornos favorecen la subdivisión del sistema total en subsistemas más pequeños y abarcables, con la capacidad de interactuar unos con otros, con la intención de alcanzar un objetivo colectivo. En este trabajo se propone un sistema automático-inteligente basado en control distribuido que permite la identificación y gestión de pedidos mediante el uso de agentes inteligentes y la Identificación por Radiofrecuencia (RFID, por sus siglas en inglés: Radio Frequency Identification) para la gestión de un centro de distribución